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No Fees Unless We Win

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3 Safe Driving Tips for Spring

The snow and ice may be on their way out for the season, but spring still presents some driving hazards that motorists need to take into account. Whether you’re going about the business of daily life or you’re venturing out to enjoy the warmer weather, use caution when getting behind the wheel. To help you avoid an accident and the need to hire a personal injury attorney, here are a few safe driving tips for spring.

A Springtime Guide to Driver Safety

1. Slow Down in the Rain

Rain showers go hand in hand with spring. If you’re on the road when the rain starts to fall, slow down and turn on your headlights. Roads are often slipperiest during the first several minutes of the storm when the rain blends with the oils left behind on the streets. Give more space to the vehicles around you, allow yourself plenty of room to brake, and apply the pedal gradually to avoid hydroplaning.

2. Look Out for Animals

Wildlife start to venture out of their winter habitats and search for food during spring. Deer are especially active this time of year, primarily at dawn and dusk. If you’re driving at these times of day, turn your lights on and routinely scan the sides of the road for glowing eyes and shadowy shapes.

If you see an animal, slow down and be ready to stop. If the animal is already in the road, brake in a straight line; swerving could cause you to go into a ditch, another lane, or another vehicle.

3. Watch for Potholes

Spring is prime pothole season. Snow and ice expand existing surface cracks and make them deeper and more dangerous. Potholes can easily damage a vehicle and cause you to lose control and hit another car. Avoid potholes whenever possible. If you can’t navigate around them, slow as much as you can and let up on the brakes when going over the hole. This reduces the impact and makes the vehicle easier to control.

If you’ve been hurt in a road accident, contact a personal injury attorney from Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC. Since 1982, the firm has been representing clients throughout western Wisconsin, the Coulee Region, and the Driftless Area. They offer legal services in accident and injury cases, wrongful deaths, and workers’ compensation claims. Call (877) 784-1230 to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney, and explore their services online.