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No Fees Unless We Win

(608) 784-4370

FAQ About Motor Vehicle Collisions

Motor-vehicle collisions are a leading cause of accidental injuries in this country. Fortunately, those who sustain unanticipated injuries in such scenarios are typically entitled to compensation for all the resulting damages. Navigating the claims process is challenging, though, and it’s natural to have a lot of questions for your personal injury attorney. In the meantime, here are the answers to some more general questions on the subject. 

Car & Truck Accident FAQ

How can I build a strong personal injury claim?

Building a winning car accident claim starts immediately. In addition to calling the police, for example, you should photograph the wreckage and obtain the names and phone numbers of all parties involved while still at the scene. You should also seek adequate medical care right away. 

When should I call a lawyer?

If you’re involved in a car accident, your first priority should be your health. Once your condition stabilizes, it’s time to call a personal injury attorney and commence with the claims process. The sooner you seek legal guidance, the stronger your case will be since critical evidence is likely time-sensitive. 

Will I have to go to trial?

The thought of being involved in a lengthy legal trial is enough to make anyone reconsider filing a personal injury suit. Fortunately, most accident claims are settled before reaching court. If your case happens to be one of the few that does go to trial, though, a seasoned attorney will handle all the logistics and help you prepare for the hearing. 

What if I was partially at fault?

It’s not uncommon for multiple parties to be at fault for a single motor vehicle collision. Fortunately, most states allow claimants to recover compensation for at least some of the damages, even if they were partially liable. In these scenarios, the total payout will simply be reduced by their own percentage of fault. In Wisconsin and Minnesota, for example, you can recover a payout as long as you are deemed less than 51% at fault. 

If you were hurt in a car accident, the attorneys at Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC will help you pursue compensation from all liable parties. Practicing out of our office in La Crosse, WI, we represent clients throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota. Whether you need help recovering workers’ compensation, Social Security disability benefits, or a personal injury payout, you can count on our lawyers for tailored and attentive counsel every step of the way. Check out our website to view some of the settlements and verdicts we have secured on behalf of clients, or call (877) 784-1230 to schedule a free consultation