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(608) 784-4370

No Fees Unless We Win

(608) 784-4370

Who’s Responsible If You Get Hit by a Rideshare Driver?

While Uber® and Lyft® certainly offer a more convenient way for you to travel, there are still some gray areas when it comes to legal issues. For instance, who’s responsible when you get hit by a rideshare driver? Although you can always seek the help of an experienced car accident attorney in this situation, it pays to be aware of the following facts when it comes to ridesharing liability issues.

What Should You Do at the Scene of the Accident?

Before anything else, call the proper authorities and seek immediate medical attention. In Wisconsin, you are required by law to report a car accident by the quickest way possible, unless it’s a minor fender bender. Often, this means calling the authorities from the scene using your cell phone if you are involved in the accident.

Write down the names, contact details, and insurance information of everyone involved. Take pictures of the accident scene, if you can. All these will significantly help your car accident attorney in handling your injury claim. 

Why Is It Advisable to Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

Under Wisconsin law, you have every right to seek compensation if you were injured in an accident caused by a negligent rideshare driver. However, complications can arise when it comes to liability in crashes. The insurance companies might take advantage of your inexperience and lack of knowledge when it comes to the claims process. A car accident attorney in Wisconsin can sufficiently evaluate your case and present you with possible legal options.

If you want to file a lawsuit, Wisconsin Statutes section 893.54 mandates that your case is filed within three years of the date of the accident. Hiring a lawyer as soon as possible enables you to resolve your case within that period.

If a rideshare driver has hit you, the experienced car accident attorneys from Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC in La Crosse, WI, can handle your case. For almost 20 years, this esteemed law firm has been providing expert legal counsel and representation for workers’ compensation, social security disability, wrongful death, and other personal injury cases. Call (608) 784-4370 today to schedule your free initial consultation or visit their website to send a message.