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(608) 784-4370

No Fees Unless We Win

(608) 784-4370

3 Key Reasons to Call an Attorney Immediately After an Accident

When you’ve been in an accident, you may just feel like going home and putting this difficult experience behind you. However, even serious injuries have symptoms that don’t emerge for hours or even days after the accident. Talking to a personal injury attorney immediately will help ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Call your attorney immediately

Why You Should Speak With an Attorney Immediately After an Accident

1. Build a Strong Case

A compelling personal injury case is often built on evidence collected immediately after an accident. Having access to pictures, video evidence, and eyewitness testimony will help your personal injury attorney prove that the other party is liable for your losses.

The sooner your personal injury attorney can start collecting evidence, the stronger your case will be. With this evidence, they may be able to convince the insurance company to make a fair settlement offer without going to court.

2. Prevent Common Mistakes

Immediately after an accident, the other party’s insurance company may contact you for a statement. This may seem normal, but speaking to the adjuster can have a serious impact on your case.

Insurance adjusters use a variety of techniques to get you to make statements that can be used out of context and used against you. Personal injury attorneys understand these tactics, and will take steps to help you avoid common mistakes that can negatively impact your case.

3. Negotiate With Insurers

Insurance companies often make settlement offers that don’t even cover your medical expenses, let alone your lost wages and other damages. Negotiating with insurance companies for the compensation you deserve can be extremely difficult without legal representation.

However, insurers also know that lawsuits are typically much more expensive than making a fair settlement offer. Your personal injury attorney can leverage the threat of litigation to compel the insurance company to make a fair offer.

If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, the legal team at Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Butler LLC is ready to fight for your rights. They’ve been serving accident victims throughout the Onalaska and La Crosse areas for 20 years, and have recovered over $90 million on behalf of their clients. Visit their website for more on their services or call (608) 784-4370 to speak with a personal injury attorney today.