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(608) 784-4370

No Fees Unless We Win

(608) 784-4370

3 Steps in a Personal Injury Case

If you’ve recently hired a personal injury attorney to help you seek compensation for accident-related medical bills and expenses, you probably have many questions about what’s to come. Fortunately, most cases follow the same general step-by-step process. Use this guide to get an idea of the actions your lawyer will take on the way to reaching a settlement or going to trial.

What’s Happens If You Have a Personal Injury Case?

1. Investigate the Claim

When a personal injury attorney takes on your case, they’ll begin by finding out everything they can about the accident, the resulting injuries, and any medical treatment. This will involve thoroughly interviewing you, any witnesses, and medical professionals. They’ll also gather your medical bills and records, including current and past documents related to the injury.

2. Start Settlement Negotiations

Most personal injury cases will settle out of court. Usually, an insurance policy is in place specifically for the type of accident you had. Your attorney will begin settlement negotiations with the at-fault party’s insurance company as soon as they believe you have a case. They’ll present your argument and ask for compensation to cover the damages you accrued. Discussions will continue until a settlement is reached, or you decide to proceed with a civil court case.

3. File the Lawsuit

Once you’ve reached the point of maximum medical improvement, your personal injury attorney will have a firm idea of how much your case is worth. At this point, they’ll file a lawsuit, and both parties will begin investigating the other side’s claims and defenses. At the end of this process, both lawyers will reopen settlement discussions or bring in a mediator to try and resolve the case without going to court. If these processes don’t work, the case will be scheduled for trial.

If you were injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, contact the personal injury attorneys at Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC, in La Crosse, WI. These professionals will provide legal assistance to help you obtain any owed financial compensation. To learn more about how they can help, visit the website or call (608) 784-4370.