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No Fees Unless We Win

(608) 784-4370

An Overview of Wrongful Death Cases

While people all grow to learn and accept that loved ones will pass in due time, you may be comforted by the expectation of a peaceful death. Therefore, if your friend or relative is the victim of a wrongful death case, you may want to pursue legal action. Use the following guide to learn more about this legal practice area.

What Is a Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death case arises when someone passes away as a result of another’s wrongful act. This is similar to personal injury, except the victim is killed as a direct result of the action. In some cases, the wrongful act is intentional, while in others, it’s simply the consequence of negligence—a careless or reckless act.

What Are Some Examples of a Wrongful Death Scenario?

Some of the most common causes of wrongful death happen on the road, such as when a collision is caused by a truck driver who falls asleep at the wheel, a motorcyclist who speeds up and passes a vehicle too quickly, or someone who texts while driving. Wrongful deaths may also occur in a hospital, such as during surgery or in the delivery room. Other examples include falling down a dangerous flight of stairs at a commercial property, a faulty product resulting in an explosion, or even nursing home neglect.

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What Legal Action Can Be Taken?

Similar to personal injury cases, a lawsuit can be filed against the individual or entity that is responsible for the death. However, in this case, it must be filed by one or several of the victim’s surviving family members. These individuals aren’t just fighting for justice due to the wrongful death of their relative—they’re also fighting for compensation.

For example, if a mother is killed by a reckless driver, and she contributed money or childcare to her family, the father may receive compensation because he lost the support—financial or otherwise—of his spouse. Since he also lost the companionship and affection of a partner, he may also sue for pain and suffering.

If your family member was killed by someone else’s wrongful act, turn to Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC, of La Crosse, WI. In nearly 20 years of experience, they’ve earned over $90 million for their clients, and they are committed to adding to that amount with your case. Since they focus on personal injury, wrongful death, social security disability, and workers’ compensation cases, you can rest assured they can navigate your case. To learn more about their team, visit the website, or call (608) 784-4370 to set up a consultation.