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FAQ About Hit & Run Accidents in Wisconsin

A hit and run accident involves a driver striking another vehicle, a person, or an object and then knowingly fleeing the scene without providing their information. Because the driver leaves the scene of the accident, a hit and run can be more complex and involved than an attorney‘s standard car accident case. But a victim still has legal options to pursue in the wake of a hit and run. To better understand these options, below are answers to common questions about hit and run accidents in Wisconsin.

Answers to Common Questions About Hits & Run Accidents in Wisconsin

Is fleeing the scene of an accident a crime?

Yes. In Wisconsin, a driver who strikes another vehicle or person must legally stop their vehicle and share their contact information and license plate number with the other party. If the driver doesn’t comply with this obligation, they can be charged with a felony.

I can’t find who hit me. What should I do?

Write down everything you remember about the accident, including the make, model, and color of the other vehicle. Include details about what the driver and passengers looked like and what direction they were headed. Take photos at the accident scene, both of vehicle damage and any injuries you suffered.

Talk to eyewitnesses and local businesses; companies may have security cameras that captured the vehicle leaving the scene. File a police report and share all your information with the attending officer. Seek medical attention promptly. Consult an attorney for the next steps to take; attorneys know how to investigate hit and runs, and they have access to resources that can bring you closer to a resolution.

What if the other driver cannot be located?

You still may be able to get compensation for your injuries. Wisconsin drivers are required to carry uninsured motorist insurance, at a minimum coverage of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident for bodily injury. This coverage can help provide financial support in a hit and run as well.

My insurer refuses to cover the costs of my hit and run. What should I do?

Unfortunately, some insurers want to pay as little as possible. If this is an issue you’re encountering, call an attorney. Car accident attorneys understand how to communicate and negotiate with insurance companies. They will represent you and your best interests in all dealings with insurers. Having a lawyer’s support can lend greater credence to your claim and make it harder for an insurer to deny.

The attorneys at Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC have been serving Western Wisconsin, the Coulee Region, and the Driftless Area since 1982. They represent all types of car accident cases, including hit and runs. They also offer legal counsel in personal injury, workers’ compensation, and Social Security Disability claims. Call (877) 784-1230 or visit their website to schedule a consultation.