Usually, when you get hurt at work, your injury is covered by workers’ compensation. However, injuries due to car accidents present more complicated situations. Here are common questions about eligibility for benefits if you’re in a collision on your way to, from, or while working.
Car Collision & Workers’ Compensation Claims in Wisconsin
Am I covered when going to and from work?
Generally, you can receive workers’ compensation benefits only if the collision happens on a property the company owns or certain other conditions the law may provide. An accident in your employer’s parking lot would be covered, but an injury on the street while driving to or from work would not.
Can I receive benefits if I use my car to run a business errand for my boss?
Typically, yes. When you are driving in the course of carrying out a duty or service for your employer that requires you to leave the company property, you can claim benefits. The activity must be under your employer’s direction and control.
Am I covered for driving during business trips?
Yes, generally. If your job requires you to drive or travel, you are covered while on the trip, including riding in cabs and public transportation. However, there is no coverage if you deviate from the business purpose and are injured while doing something purely personal.
What if I’m in a traffic accident?
Generally, you can receive workers’ compensation benefits if you’re injured in an auto accident during an off-site company business activity. Covered incidents include colliding with a vehicle if you suffer a heart attack while driving for work or being struck by a vehicle while delivering packages to the company’s customers.
To find out whether you have a right to workers’ compensation benefits after a car accident, turn to the attorneys at Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC. Since 1982, these skilled car accident attorneys have provided wise advice and strong representation for clients throughout Western Wisconsin, the Coulee Region, and the Driftless Area. If you suffer an accident or lose a loved one to a wrongful death while on the job, call (608) 784-4370 or visit these personal injury attorneys online to schedule a consultation.